
Who Really is In Charge?

We’ve been working together in sundry combinations of sundry small businesses since 1999 (Chris & Hanna).  Friends and acquaintances who have their own businesses, or are contemplating starting one, often ask how we manage to work together, live together, work together, raise kids, work together, renovate houses, work together, all these years, and still stay married.  Usually, we reply simply, “We can’t recommend it to anyone.”  It’s true, for any couple who likes one another: “Do not try this at home.”

After awhile, most people come around to the second question: “Who really is in charge?”  I wonder.  That’s a tricky one . . . between the two of us, the jury is definitely out.  Of course, we do have our own roles, and so on.

Of this I’m sure:  had one of us by now managed to control the other, it’s certain that we would not still be working together today.  Who is really in charge?  You’ll have to figure that for yourself.

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